Dear Parents,
It was a pleasure to visit Wellington School yesterday to meet the new Head, Mr Alex Battison, and catch up with some former St Peter’s pupils who are now towering Upper Sixth (Year 13) students! They spoke warmly of their time at St Peter’s, and it was fantastic to hear about their journey to Wellington and how well they have thrived. The school shares many similarities with ours in terms of culture, values, and a strong emphasis on sport. Mr Battison is settling in well and thoroughly enjoyed being my guest at Fame Jr! last week.
Behind the scenes, we have been carefully reviewing the responses to the parent and staff surveys. I look forward to sharing the results and outlining our next steps with you all in due course.
Next week, we will officially open the cricket nets in memory of Charlie Duignan. They are a wonderful addition to our facilities, and I know the children are eager to make full use of them!
Have a lovely weekend with your families.
Charlotte Johnston, Head