Teaching & Learning: INSET – The mystery revealed

Just what do those teachers actually ‘do’ during INSET?

An INSET day: originally an acronym for ‘In-Service Training day’, is one of a series of six days in most schools on which school sessions are not run. The pupils do not attend school but the staff are required to attend for training or to complete administrative tasks.

September 2018 did not disappoint in delivering high quality training sessions here at St Peter’s. As a staff team we have covered topics such as Philosophy for Children (P4C) and authors such as Gianfranco Conti, Dan Hughes, Louise Bomber – to name but a few inspiring educators that we have learnt about.

We have studied the inspection framework describing and identifying
‘The As’ – Pupils’ academic and other achievements and
‘The Ps’ – Pupils’ personal development’.

We have trained in the use of the epipens and taken advice on concussion identification and treatment (with a very special and warmly
received parent trainer).

Staff have discussed how Critical thinking, Outdoor Learning and Computing techniques such as Google Classroom can be successfully threaded throughout our wonderfully crafted curriculum. Academic procedures remain consistent to last year and much timetabling work has gone on behind the scenes to allow for formal Library and Mindfulness lessons to appear on the curriculum for the first time. Reading Journey launches again – more research, more resources, more reading fun!

I (and many, many others) were incredibly motivated by our highly esteemed guest speaker, (who also happened to be sister to our very own Dr Evans). Invited to speak at St Peter’s about P4C and to allow us time to open our eyes to how best help children ‘become more thoughtful, more reflective, more considerate and more reasonable individuals’. Not a bad challenge for the new academic year. Philosophy meets religious studies this year – I simply cannot wait to see what the staff team do with this ‘enlightenment’.

With all the academic procedures, protocol and policy communicated with staff it was time to march forth to pastoral training. Reflecting on the role of the Tutor and just how much our pupils’ happiness will impact on their learning and ultimately their achievement.

And so to our parent body and whole school community: We are well planned, (nearly) fully prepared and couldn’t be more trained and qualified – so let’s get this ship rolling and see what we can magic together shall we?

Remember – an open door policy is exactly that. Great communication will see us right.

L.Ball, Deputy Head of Teaching & Learning

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