Dear Parents,
I couldn’t break for the half-term holiday without highlighting the triumphant Year 5 production of Aladdin Trouble at the Blackmore Theatre this week. The energy and joy radiating from the stage were evident, making it a delight for both the performers and the audience. Thank you to the staff who made this possible and to the children for really giving it their all. It was truly wonderful to watch and a testament to the talent and hard work of all involved.
We now eagerly anticipate the ‘Upper School on Stage’ production of Fame Jr early next month. Tickets are available for the whole school community so don’t forget to buy yours! I, for one, am getting my leg-warmers ready in anticipation!
I wish you all a restful week’s break with your families and look forward to seeing the children back at school on 24 February ready for a busy second half of term.
Have a lovely weekend with your families.
Charlotte Johnston, Head