6 Ways to Motivate Your Child to do Homework 

A student writing in a book

At our private school in Devon, we believe homework encourages children to build on their organisational, problem-solving, and independent skills and boosts their academic learning. But what if your child is struggling to hone their self-discipline skills and isn’t able to motivate themselves to do their homework? 

We explore six ways to help motivate your child to do their homework so they can start building a healthy homework routine outside of school.

1. Create a Homework Schedule 

Establishing a structured routine is key to fostering a positive attitude towards homework and can be really useful when your child already has a range of extracurricular activities to participate in, too.

Sit down with your child and map out a schedule that allocates specific times for homework throughout the week. This will help create consistency, encouraging them to understand the importance of prioritising their tasks and cultivating good time management skills.

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2. Set Up a Homework-friendly Space

Designate a quiet, well-lit, and comfortable area in your home solely for studying and homework. Equip it with all the necessary supplies, like pens, paper, a comfortable chair, a desk, a computer, or even cushions and a bean bag! Creating a dedicated workspace signals to your child that homework is important and deserving of its own environment.

It’s crucial this space is free from distractions, such as the TV and video consoles. A homework-friendly space will also encourage your child to become more independent and self-reliant, as they’ll start to associate the space with homework, prompting them to get their work done.

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3. Support and Motivate Your Child

Encourage your child by praising their effort and acknowledging their achievements, no matter how small. Be their cheerleader, offering words of encouragement and reminding them of their capabilities when they feel discouraged. Your unwavering support can significantly boost their confidence and motivation. 

4. Set a Good Example

Lead by example by demonstrating a strong work ethic and a positive attitude towards challenges. Why not work on some of your own projects or engage in activities like reading a book while your child completes their homework? Avoid watching TV during homework time, as it can easily distract them, especially when they’re young. Show them the value of focus by immersing yourself in productive tasks alongside them. Your active involvement sets a powerful precedent for prioritising learning and concentration. 

A teacher helping a student in class

5. Help Your Child if Needed

Be available to assist your child with their homework, but resist the urge to solve problems for them. Instead, guide them through the process, asking probing questions to stimulate their critical thinking. Providing support while allowing them to work through challenges independently fosters self-reliance and resilience. 

6. Ensure Your Child Understands Their Homework

Are they procrastinating because they don’t understand the subject? Apart from struggling to self-motivate, your child may be putting off the task of completing their homework if they don’t actually understand what they’re meant to be doing. Communication is key in identifying any misunderstandings or struggles your child may have with their homework.

Encourage them to express their concerns, and don’t hesitate to reach out to their teachers for clarification if needed. By addressing any confusion promptly, you can help alleviate anxiety and boost their confidence in tackling assignments. 

Incorporating these strategies into your child’s homework routine can make a world of difference in their motivation and success. Remember, every child is unique, so be flexible and tailor your approach to suit their individual needs. By creating a supportive environment and fostering a positive attitude towards learning, you’re setting your child up for academic achievement and personal growth.

If you’re interested in learning more about our school’s approach to education and how we support students both academically and personally, why not book an open day? We look forward to welcoming you!


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