Admissions process

Navigating your journey

Join St Peter’s

Admissions process for St Peter’s Prep

If you’re looking for a first-rate prep school in Devon, you’ve come to the right place.

St Peter’s is in Lympstone, a beautiful location that sits near both the rural moorland and stunning Devonshire coastline, as well as being only 15 minutes away from the bustling, historic city of Exeter.

Our classes cater to ages from Nursery to Upper School. For example, Pre-prep starts with Nursery (from age 3) and then your child will move into Reception before they start Year 1 and Year 2.

Lower School consists of Years 3, 4 and 5 where education begins to get more challenging and stimulating.

Our Upper School is made up of Years 6, 7 and 8. This stage inspires and challenges pupils and is great at preparing children for their chosen senior schools.

We want to help you every step of the way so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

How does it work?

The process of enrollment

We understand that embarking on a new journey can be both exciting and overwhelming. Rest assured, we’re here to guide you through every step of the way. As you scroll down, you’ll find a comprehensive overview of our admissions process, designed to provide clarity and support.

St peter's prospectus copy

Enquiry & Request a Prospectus

Please telephone our Director of Admissions & Marketing, Mrs Rachel Jupp, on 01395 280335 or email and she will send you a prospectus and any other information you require. Alternatively, you can request a prospectus by using our enquiry form. Following a parent’s initial enquiry, an appointment is made to visit the school.
Students outside the school with their head teacher

Tour St Peter’s Prep

You can either arrange to have a personal tour of St Peter’s Preparatory School or attend one of our open mornings where you can view our 28-acre site. You can expect to get a look at our excellent facilities, such as our performing arts spaces, various sports facilities, and lush grounds.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get updates on when our open days are being held.
A registration form

Registration Form

If you would like your child to join St Peter’s, then the next step is to complete and return a registration form for your child and to pay their £150 registration fee.

Parents are asked to provide the most recent report from their child’s current school with the registration form. On receipt of a completed registration form and fee, a taster day will be arranged for a child joining Reception or above.
Student smiles to his classmate

Experience the Taster Day

Each child is given a pupil guardian for their taster day. During the taster day, the pupil will be met by the Director of Admissions & Marketing or the Admissions & Marketing Officer and taken to the appropriate classroom to be introduced to the teacher and guardian.

The pupil takes part in all planned curriculum opportunities. Feedback will be given to prospective parents at the end of the taster day.
St Peter's pupils posed for camera in the woodland

Offer of a Place

Entry is at the discretion of the Head, following an interview with the parents and consideration of the pupil on their taster day. She may also wish to speak to your child’s current school.A formal offer of a place will be made on the successful completion of a taster day and a parent contract will be issued.
Two smiling students posed for the camera

Acceptance of a Place

Children may be accepted at any time during the term on the condition that space is available.In the event of the offer of a place in the school, the parents will be given a maximum of one week (five working days) to return the signed acceptance form and to pay the deposit. After this time, the offer of the place shall be withdrawn and the place offered to another family. Parents may re-register (at no cost), taking a new place at the bottom of the waiting list should it be open. A prospective pupil’s place is only confirmed upon receipt of their deposit and their signed acceptance form.
Students using the laptops

Waiting Lists at St Peter’s Prep

The school operates waiting lists for year groups that are full. When there are no places available, a child’s name may be added to the waiting list upon receipt of a completed registration form and subject to a good reference from their previous school.
Nursery students in outdoor learning

Transition from Nursery to Reception

Because some nursery children attend St Peter’s Nursery part-time, we can have more children enrolled than we have space for in our two Reception classes. Consequently, we recommend that parents who wish their child to move into our Reception pay both the Nursery and Reception deposits when they return their signed acceptance form. This will guarantee a child’s place in one of our Reception classes.

If only the Nursery deposit is paid, then we cannot guarantee that a child will be able to move into our Reception.

Registration Fees & Deposits

Registration fee


(non-returnable one off fee)

Deposit for Nursery



Deposit for Reception if Nursery deposit has already been paid



Deposit for Reception to Year 8 place



Deposits are refunded at the end of a pupil’s last term at St Peter’s, less any amount owing to the school. The deposit is non-refundable if a confirmed place is not taken up.

“Pupils make rapid progress throughout the school and achieve advanced levels of attainment for their age.”

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