Lower School

Years 3-5

Fostering Independence & Initiative

Enhancing core skills

Pupils follow our own St Peter’s School Baccalaureate®, which has been written taking the core skills required from the government’s published National Curriculum 14 documentation, but the content has been extended and added to in greater depth.

Your Child’s Academic Journey

Unlocking potential

In Key Stage 2, form tutors are responsible for teaching their classes the majority of academic subjects, with additional specialist teachers for Games, French, PE and Music. Many children take up a musical instrument after a trial period and, in Year 4, all children are given free peripatetic music lessons on an orchestral instrument.

Further specialist teaching is introduced in Science, Food Technology, Art and Design Technology and the Lower School pupils enjoy using the laboratories and technical resources.

Written homework is gradually introduced and all pupils are expected to read daily and learn spellings and times tables each week. Pupils are encouraged to bring their own Chromebook to school from Year 3 onwards should they so wish.

“Collaboration is excellent and, while each pupil has their learning well focused, they derive great enjoyment in the process of learning together in pairs or groups.”

Outdoor Learning

Residentials begin to be introduced at the end of Year 3

Weekly matches start against local schools and the children enjoy three games sessions a week as well as PE. The teachers are kind, fun and exceptional practitioners. Pastoral care is outstanding; the children love learning to learn.

Every pupil at St Peter’s should have opportunities to experience: Forest School; Beach School & watersports; growing & gardening; wildlife; Eco & the environment and Adventure.

Connect with Lower School

Learn more today!

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to know more about Lower School. Our Admissions team (admissions@stpetersprepschool.co.uk can email you guides to Year 3, Year 4 or Year 5 depending on your requirements.