Fees & Bursaries

Considering the costs

Cost Breakdown

Prep school fees & bursaries

When choosing a prep school in Devon, the most important first step is considering the costs and potential private school fees.

Find out more about our school fees and available bursaries below.

Initial Prep School Fees


(one-off non-returnable; no discount for siblings)​


Deposit for Reception to Year 8 place

(one-off payment refunded on leaving​)


Deposit for Nursery

(one-off payment refunded on leaving​)


Deposit for Reception: £250. This is a one-off payment that will be refunded on leaving if the Nursery deposit has already been paid.

Deposits are refunded at the end of the last term, less any amount owing to the School. The deposit is non-refundable if a confirmed place is not taken up.

School Fees from January 2025

Years 5 to 8

£5,285 per term (including VAT)

Years 3 to 4

£4,700 per term (including VAT)

Years 1 to 2

£3,324 per term (including VAT)


(not eligible for government funding)

£2,774 per term (including VAT)


(not eligible for government funding)

£2,380 per term (VAT exempt)

See compulsory extras in the yellow box below

Other Extras

Wrap Around fee

(compulsory for all pupils)

£900* per term


(compulsory for all pupils)

£200 per term

*We understand that you can use a tax-free childcare account to pay for the wrap around fee subject to the government’s eligibility criteria.

Take a look at how we make sure our students are nourished and healthy by preparing high quality food at St Peter’s.

Learning Support

Figures quoted are indicative only and are applicable for a 30-minute lesson, although the length of lessons may vary (parents will be advised in advance). Your contract will be with the peripatetic teacher.

Individual lesson


Shared lesson


Lessons by Visiting Music Teachers

30-minute lesson


Nursery Fees

Fees in Nursery for the academic year commencing January 2025

Unfunded Sessions


£2,380 per term

Wrap Around fee


£900 per term


(compulsory extra)

£200 per term


Purchase a day throughout term

(includes lunch)

£585 per term (includes lunch)

Wrap Around fee


£180 per term

Purchase an individual day

(includes lunch)


Wrap Around fee



  • Sibling discount applies where appropriate
  • Employer vouchers accepted (Government-sponsored “salary sacrifice” scheme)
  • Tax free childcare payments accepted
  • Free milk for under 5s.

Reception Fees

Fees in Reception for the academic year commencing January 2025

Unfunded Sessions


£2,774 per term (including VAT)

Wrap Around fee


£900* per term


(compulsory extra)

£200 per term


Purchase a day throughout term

(excludes lunch)

£677 per term (including VAT)

Wrap Around fee


£180* per term


(compulsory extra)

£40 per term

Purchase an individual day

(excludes lunch)

£55.72 (including VAT)

Wrap Around fee




(compulsory extra)

£5.70 per lunch

  • Sibling discount applies where appropriate
  • Employer vouchers accepted (Government-sponsored “salary sacrifice” scheme).

*We understand that you can use a tax-free childcare account to pay for the wrap around fee, subject to the government’s eligibility criteria

Unfunded Sessions

Up to 15 hours per week of funded attendance is available through the Universal Early Years entitlement. An additional 15 hours per week is available (making 30 hours per week in total) if you are eligible for Additional Early Years Funding (widely available for parents subject to you meeting Government criteria).

Please note that it is your responsibility to secure the Government eligibility code issued for 30 hours of funding and to ensure it remains current. In the absence of a code, your eligibility will default to 15 hours per week.

Funded sessions are 7.5 hours per day, starting at 08:30 and ending at 16:00.

Parents should note that for the funded sessions:

  • Children will not be accepted into class before the booked session and should be collected promptly at its conclusion. If you collect later than 10 minutes after the session ends then you will be charged a ‘Wrap Around Service’ fee.
  • School term dates mean that there will be just over 33 weeks funding available during the year.
  • A funded session does not include the cost of providing lunch although this can be purchased separately (see below).
  • A funded session does include the educational resources needed to deliver the School’s curriculum but the School reserves the right to charge for certain external trips and additional curriculum enrichment activities. You will always be advised in advance of these.

Whilst attending a Funded Session, the following additional services are available for purchase:

  • Lunch at £5.70 per day.
  • Wrap Around Service – evening: £9.00 per day late collection (after 16:00).

Please note: sibling discount will not be available for these additional services. Also, you will be asked to book your choice of sessions, lunch and “Wrap around” services in advance for each term.

Prep School Bursaries

A limited number of bursaries may be granted, subject to available resources and appropriate means testing. Bursaries, once granted, will be subject to periodic review.

Bursary application forms can be obtained from our finance office.

Please call 01395 274938 for a bursary application form.

Now that you’re all caught up our private school’s fees, take a look at our admissions process so your child can begin their educational journey at St Peter’s.