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News from St Peter's
Music is BACK!

Introduced by Lucy Ball Deputy Head Teaching and Learning  and written by Chris Hoban, Director of Music and Head of Faculty for Performing Arts.  Each

Guides & Tips for Parents
The Benefits of Hot School Meals

Helping any child grow up fit and healthy begins with a balanced diet. Children need to eat three balanced meals a day as well as

Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Stop Over-worrying as a Parent

You may, or may not, be relieved to know that parental anxiety is a normal part of parenthood. You’re not the first, and you won’t

Guides & Tips for Parents
Why Are Some Children ‘Picky Eaters’?

It can be worrying when your child sometimes refuses to eat, and you’re unsure if they’re consuming enough food. It’s important for kids to develop

News from St Peter's
Our Kids

We’ve marked Mental Health Awareness Week, focusing on our connection with nature. Two things to ponder on … Well, I have been on either drop

News from St Peter's
Don’t do nothing!

One of the key messages we teach our children form the earliest of ages is DO SOMETHING! Everyone can offer something.  If you see something

News from St Peter's
Turn Subtitles On….

Do try to read every night with your child; it is one of the best things you can do for their academic and personal progress.

Guides & Tips for Parents
Helping Your Child Socialise

Developing social skills is a crucial part of a child’s development, some will naturally take to socialising, whereas others may need a bit of prompting