Autumn Term 2022 Week 3

​​​​​​​Thank you to those parents who have joined us for year group coffees and teas over the last two weeks. It has been excellent to catch up.

The Year 8s had a marvellous time in glorious weather at Sennen over the weekend and they are rising to the challenge of the responsibility and added independence of Year 8; their final year at St Peter’s. Year 4 has enjoyed an immersive learning experience in the form of India Day.

We have a family open day tomorrow from 10:00-12:00. We run this event every year and it is an opportunity for families to come and be toured by their own children. In previous years, the feedback has been outstanding with parents making the most of the opportunity to get inside the classrooms, be it the Science Labs or the Music rooms In addition it is great for Pre-prep parents to see the Upper School classrooms and the dormitories or for Upper School children to return to the Pre-prep and see the staff and their former classrooms. Pupils collect house points as they go around the school and there are lots of engaging activities and games to complete. There is also a lovely tearoom with Diana’s refreshments when everyone is weary!

I look forward to seeing lots of you there tomorrow. The weather looks fine; it should be an excellent family St Peter’s event.

Do remember the Woodbury Dog Walk as well (dog not required), which we are holding on Saturday 15 October from 10:00 until 12:00. One for the diaries.

Best wishes

Charlotte Johnston (Head)

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