A glorious week in Devon here at St Peter’s as we enjoy an Indian Summer.
Our new Heads of Sport gave their first match report last week and a good job they did of it too. Another great week for matches with some fantastic results – hard fought in the sunshine.
This year we have Heads of Sport for the first time and Archie and Taylor are impressing us all with their sportsmanship and leadership qualities. Well done – what a good start.
This week I have
visited Exeter School for Mr
Griffin’s last Speech Day. Mr
Griffin is Head at
Exeter School and is retiring after 17 years’ service. It was a wonderful occasion. I was so proud to see
two of our former pupils pick up their Academic Exhibition awards at 13+ entrees and to hear
how well the other six who went to Exeter in Year 9 are getting on (very well indeed!). Some
ex-St Peter’s pupils picked up Speech Day awards and their transition has clearly been a
great success.
I have also visited Taunton School and it was great to hear of their new Dining Room development and Sixth Form Centre as well as to catch up with all the ex-St Peter’s pupils who are now at Taunton. They are doing well and fondly remember their time at St Peter’s – although they say that Taunton is a lot bigger!