It has been a brilliant week with the highlight being our Easter Bonnet Parade!
Lambs visited and we held a tremendous Final Assembly with Wren becoming champions of the term’s Murray Cup. Our trip to Iceland for Years 7 & 8 has set off and we watched an exceptional Upper School on Stage production of ‘Bright. Young. Things.’ on Tuesday night at the Blackmore Theatre in Exmouth.
As we break for the Easter holidays I thought I would write with some staffing news.
I am delighted to let you know that Mrs Amy Hughes has been appointed as our Deputy Head Pastoral and Safeguarding Lead from September 2022. Amy is currently our Head of Lower School and has a wealth of experience. I know that parents will join me in congratulating her on this promotion. We are currently in the process of appointing a replacement Head of Lower School.
I wish you a Happy Easter with your families. Some, I know, will be heading for the slopes and others perhaps to more local destinations. It has been a very busy term and much rest is needed for all. The staff have worked tirelessly to maintain as much normality as possible for the children in exceptionally challenging circumstances as we continue to wrestle with changing Covid rules and regulations. With testing going I feel confident that school life will become much more straightforward following the holidays but we await further guidance from the Department of Education.
Enjoy the holidays, we look forward to welcoming all pupils back to school for the start of the Summer term on Monday 25 April 2022.
Charlotte Johnston