Spring Term 2023 Week 10

What a week!

Week 10 saw us.

On Monday there was an introduction to the ‘Young Leaders Award’ presented to the parents of pupils in Years 5-8 by Dr Evans and Mrs Wellington-Smith. This event was really well attended and staff, parents and pupils are all looking forward to following this curriculum and looking ahead at yet more leadership opportunities for the oldest members of our school. For more information, you can visit the following website:  Young Leaders Award

On Tuesday our Year 2 pupils ventured down to the astro and over to the Hallett field for an U7 tournament of netball and football.  Our youngest stars were put through their paces against teams from Exeter Cathedral School, Blundell’s and Woodbury Primary. There was much excitement and the afternoon was a resounding success.

Wednesday saw a fantastic array of Year 6 Commonwealth Humanities projects. The standard of work was excellent standard. The pupils will get a chance to see each other’s presentations next week. Year 2 had a sneaky peek and enjoyed all the food on offer!

On Thursday, Miss Dunne delivered an Atom learning workshop for parents. Again, another resource we highly recommend parents get to know to support their child at home with their Maths and English.

And Friday was just a simple Comic Relief charity day to squeeze in! Great fun and amazing cakes were enjoyed by all. A sea of red St Peter’s children!

Next week is the final week of the term and we look forward to:

  • Year 8 Monologues

  • A Rome trip

  • Miniature gardens

  • Easter Egg Hunt

  • Easter services

In addition, as we look forward to Week 11 it is worth mentioning we send out Full Spring Subject reports for Years 1 to 8, plus Tutor Reports for EYFS. Do check your emails at the end of next week. And we have a number of recruitment interview days to complete next week #exciting.

Mrs Johnston will keep you updated with any success from these. Please note that the final newsletter of the term will be emailed to you during the school holiday. It will not be sent out next Friday. With every best wish for a hopefully DRY weekend.

Mrs Amy Hughes, Mrs Lucy Ball and Mrs Claire Wellington-Smith 

Deputy Head Pastoral & Deputy Heads Academic


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