Spring term 2025, week 5

Dear Parents,

This week, I had the pleasure of speaking with our Year 6 pupils about all the exciting things we do in Years 7 and 8.

We’ve also been busy planning developments following the closure of the Boarding House at the end of this term. This change allows us to create two new Upper School classrooms in the dormitories and establish a Wellbeing Hub for pupils near Matron’s room.

Our wonderful Deputy Heads, Mrs Hughes and Mrs Wellington-Smith, will relocate their office to the current classroom at the top of the main stairs. Additionally, a new meeting room will be created downstairs, freeing up the beautiful Hub to be used solely as a library  – a much-needed change that we are very excited about!

We are thrilled about these developments and look forward to the positive changes they will bring to our school.

I write this having watched Year 3 girls play netball in some glorious spring sunshine and consumed some excellent cake at match tea!  

Have a lovely weekend with your families.

Charlotte Johnston, Head

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