Newsflash! The chicks in Year 1 have hatched! With great excitement amongst staff and pupils, I went up to visit and heard about the names that the children have given the chicks: ‘Jubilee’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Jellybean’, ‘Snowy’ and ‘Paul’. Such great names! I know that the Year 8 girls who came up with me enjoyed them as much as the younger children.
Our athletes have had a very successful week with both the U7 athletics tournament with five visiting schools and our trip to King’s College for another tournament for the older children being incredibly great successes. Thomas SK truly is the ‘King’ of athletics. Well done to all involved.
Boarding has been going brilliantly. Staff shout out this week goes to Mr Rob Parker for opening up the boarding house again after so many months, running exciting and inspiring activities for the children, getting his head around a new promotion as Head of Co-curricular, all with getting approximately two hours of sleep a night due to his new baby Alfie! Thank you Rob.
A letter with information about Speech Day and end-of-term arrangements was sent out earlier today. Please do take the time to read through the details.
Lots of fun to be had at the Fête this afternoon; I do hope that you joined us. Enjoy half-term with your families.
Charlotte Johnston