Summer Term 2023 Week 1

Today, as I write this, the sun is shining gloriously over the estuary. St Peter’s is a truly special place when the sun shines.  The Harefield run was a highlight this week and we were delighted with attendance at the event and how many parents participated in the run.  The children very much enjoyed it.

The new playground has gone down very well, as have the new tablets and ‘tech’ that we have purchased for Pre-prep.  At the moment, the children are calling the scramble net ‘the spider web’ and there is a great game where some are tarantulas on top and there is hot lava underneath.  Obviously, this is only imaginative play, otherwise it would be a rather dangerous turn of events!  On which point, we have put the monkey bars out of action on the front lawn until they can be lowered.

Some children have been swimming already this week.  The pool is sparkling and warm and I have heard great whoops of joy from the water as I work in my office.

Looking ahead, we will be celebrating the King’s Coronation on Friday 5 May, just before the Coronation bank holiday weekend.  We are asking the children to make crowns at home to bring in, as well as wearing red, white and blue.

We will send a simple guide for those who would like some instructions!  We are also asking that children bring in an item for a grand picnic tea which the children will have in their tutor groups.  It should be a lovely event.  Just children this time, not parents. More details follow in this newsletter.

Thank you to those who have said they will help with lifts for our sponsored walk in aid of the Royal Marines Charity on 10 May.  Please do get the children to complete their sponsorship forms and share our JustGiving page if people wish to donate.

Enjoy the weekend.

Charlotte Johnston

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