New Year’s Resolutions for Families

Children at St Peter’s Prep enjoying roasted marshmallows

It’s that time of year when setting New Year’s resolutions is the talk of the town. Here at our independent school in Devon, we love to help our students set goals for themselves throughout the year.

New Year’s is a great time to come together as a family, celebrate the achievements of the last twelve months and plan for the year ahead. By taking on positive, healthy goals as a team, everyone in the family can work towards happier, more fulfilled lives in the future.

How to Make Sure New Year’s Resolutions are Kept

New Year’s resolutions are so often abandoned that they’re something of a cliche. Various pieces of research suggest that most of us will give up on following our goals for the new year by the end of January, with very few getting beyond six months.

Two of the main reasons we lose track of our resolutions are because they are unrealistic and/or unmeasurable. The best way to give your ambitions more chance of succeeding is by implementing the SMART system:

  • Specific – make the resolution tangible, something that an impartial observer could recognise.
  • Measurable – make sure it’s something that can physically be achieved and ticked off.
  • Attainable – resolutions should be challenging but they also need to be achievable with what you have.
  • Relevant – the resolution fits into a wider goal or ambition for you or your family.
  • Timely – the resolution has an endpoint or recognisable milestones.

Following the SMART method, you can turn the below ideas – popular resolutions for families in the new year – into more achievable objectives.

So, here are some popular New Year’s resolutions for families for you to consider.

More Quality Time Together

Our lives are filled with so many daily distractions. After finally having quality time together during the festive period, we can often yearn for ways in which to keep that spirit when life returns to normal.

A consistent routine can be a great way to ensure your family gets that quality time every week. Whether it’s eating meals or playing games together, there are many ways that you can carve out some additional family time next year.

SMART Resolutions

  • Choose one day during the week to be a ‘family dinner day’ where everyone promises to eat together.
  • Pick one evening a week to be games night, where everyone comes together to play something.

Cut Screen Time

For many parents, reducing the time spent on screens is the number one mission.

Screens are such an important part of life that it’s almost impossible to go without, even for young children. However, even just taking a little extra time away from your screens can make a world of difference to our well-being and how we see the world around us.

SMART Resolutions

  • Everyone turns all screens off 30 minutes before bed (parents can put them back on when the little ones are asleep but should follow the rules themselves, too!)
  • Take up a new family activity, such as art or exercise, that can be done twice a week at set times.
Children and a teacher at St Peter’s Prep reading together

More Reading or Studying

More reading is always a popular resolution, particularly for parents who want to spend less time on their phones. The same can be said for children; encouraging more reading and studying over stuff like video games can be really helpful for developing their young minds.

As with many resolutions, reading is a habit; the more you do it, and the more it becomes part of a routine, the more natural and enjoyable it will become.

SMART Resolutions

  • Pick a reading day during the week where everyone can sit together and read their favourite books or study for a set hour.
  • Start a monthly family book club, where everyone has to talk about their favourite new book they read that month. This goal is great for new readers as it allows plenty of time to read different books.

Saving Money

Finances are often used as the basis for New Year resolutions for adults. By turning it into a family thing, you can start healthy and positive discussions about money with children.

Of course, what you’re saving for and what your children might be able to save will be very different. However, by setting appropriate goals for everyone, you can all take part in a resolution towards a more positive outlook on money.

SMART Resolutions

  • Save a specific amount for a family holiday in the summer every month. Children can contribute a few pounds of their pocket money for additional treats.
  • If children want something big, work out how much pocket money they would need to save and keep adding it to a jar each month.

More Exercise

While many of us are easily demotivated by the thought of exercise, doing it with other people helps us to stick to our goals.

Not only is exercise – or any time outdoors – a great way to spend time with your family but it also helps to lower stress levels and lift your mood.

The key to any exercise resolution is to take little steps at first. An additional piece of exercise each week is a great start, upon which you can build to bigger goals later in the year.

SMART Resolutions

  • To walk to school and work one day a week, even if it means leaving earlier.
  • To run or cycle as a family every other weekend, increasing the regularity or distance over time.

No matter what resolutions you decide to take as a family, try to keep them SMART. With steady steps and lots of encouragement, you can all enjoy a happy, healthy New Year.

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