5 New Year’s Resolutions For Families

Happy New Year!

It’s that time of year again, when setting new year’s resolutions is the talk of the town. Here at our independent primary school we love to help our students set goals for their school work throughout the year.

However, despite creating resolutions with the best intentions to keep them up, our efforts don’t always follow through. For the majority, this is because we set unrealistic goals that we don’t keep to.

Making your goals measurable, specific and accomplishable is the best way to create realistic resolutions that you will stick to for a certain time frame. Having support around you, from friends or family who have the same or similar goals helps to keep you motivated, meaning you are more likely to stick to your resolutions.

A woman holding a sign that says ‘Happy New Year’

5 Family Resolutions to Set in 2023

Creating resolutions with your family may seem hard, but it is definitely worth the effort. It’s important that each family member is invested and every goal shared is recognised and treated equally.

1. Eat Meals Together

Sitting down and eating meals with the whole family is a great way to connect and share things about your day or week. If possible, we recommend eating breakfast and tea together. By doing this it allows you to create better eating habits and you can also introduce new or healthier foods into your diet that you can eat together as a family.

School teachers and pupils eating together

2. Unplug Your Devices

Unplugging devices is a great way to wind down and decompress for the day, especially just before bedtime. One of the worst things before bed is bluelight. It can slow down the release of the sleep hormone melatonin. You should turn off your electronics at least an hour before bed, to get a great night’s sleep.

Create a time that everyone’s device will be turned off and, instead, use this time to relax or read your favourite book. Depending on the time you set, you could also use this time to help your children with their homework.

3. Reading Time

Reading more is a popular resolution this year, so if this is one of your goals why not turn it into a family goal. Visiting the library once a week and choosing your favourite books allows for quality family time with an activity to enjoy every week together. Often, Saturdays are the best day for families to visit the library.

Create areas in your home that have no distractions such as electronics, and designate a certain time when everyone will settle down and read their book. You can also discuss what you are reading about during meal times.

Children reading together

4. Saving Money and Working Towards a Financial Goal

Teaching your children to save and manage their money well from a young age will really help them in the future to make good decisions when it comes to spending their earnings. Being open about finances with your family can sometimes feel inappropriate but creating financial goals as a family is a great way to prepare your children for adulthood.

5. Exercise as a Family

There are many doable ways to exercise as a family including:

  • Going on walks
  • Bike rides
  • Playing catch

And more! Many of us can become demotivated with exercise, but when exercising with other people such as family it helps us to stick to our goals. Not only is this a great way to spend time with your family but it also helps to lower stress levels and lift your mood.

You could also get involved with your child’s sports teams whether that’s as a coach, a manager or just helping out behind the scenes, or even just watching them doing the sport they love. It’s all about getting involved!

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