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Education Insights
The Benefits of Indoor Play Areas

We are all aware of the advantages of being outside and participating in outdoor activities; enjoying time outside is commonly recognised as being beneficial for

Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Encourage Your Child’s Hobbies

For parents, it is important to provide your child with as much opportunity to grow and develop as possible. One way of doing this is

Head's blog
Autumn term 2021 – Week 8

A wonderful week at St Peter’s with the whole school photograph, a concert, Remembrance and an assembly from our whole school charity, Above Water. Huge

News from St Peter's
The Importance of Rest for Children

When it comes to our adult life, we all know how important relaxation is. But how vital is it for our children? Do they need

Head's blog
Autumn 2021 – Week 7

What wondrous weather we have had this week at St Peter’s. The front field has beautiful calves grazing and the school has been alive with

Head's blog
The First Steps are the Hardest

Well done to everyone for surviving and thriving during the first six full weeks of the 2021-2022 academic year. That is: pupils, parents and staff.   It

Head's blog
Autumn Term 2021 – Week 6

Thank you to everyone who helped at the Hallowe’en Disco on Wednesday. The event was a tremendous success, thanks to a sterling team of decorators,

Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Teach Children About Sustainability

With the UN’s 26th Climate Conference around the corner, it seems a particularly apt time to talk about sustainability. Ambassadors for the climate have existed