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News from St Peter's
Teaching & Learning: Wellbeing

It seems impossible to turn on the television or radio these days without hearing about the alarming increase in mental health disorders among young people

Head's blog
Catching up

A glorious week in Devon
 here at St Peter’s as we
 enjoy an Indian Summer. Our new Heads of Sport gave 
their first match report

Head's blog
A Good Head Start

Well – the first full week of term is DONE! Monday was a real wash out with torrential rain but the weather has just got

Head's blog
New beginnings

The term has got off to a flying start. Welcome to our new pupils and welcome back to the ones who have been with us

Guides & Tips for Parents
4 Benefits of Team Sports at School

Sport is a very large part of British culture and it all begins from the moment a child gets their very first ball or sports

Guides & Tips for Parents
Staying Safe in The Sun

While the Great British summer may not always be reliable, we still hope for some sunshine during the holidays, as sunny days can be fantastic

News from St Peter's
School in action morning on 11 September 2019

Join us at St Peter’s Preparatory School, Lympstone for our ‘School in action’ morning, on Wednesday 11 September, from 10:00 to 12:00. “If you are

Guides & Tips for Parents
Back to School Tips for Parents

Going back to school can be both an exciting and nerve-racking time for students. The length of time away from the classroom and lack of