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Guides & Tips for Parents
Bucket List for Parents in 2019

With January well and truly underway and the cold weather starting to set in, many will have already given up on their well-intentioned resolutions from

News from St Peter's
‘You Can’t Stop The Music…’

‘You can’t stop the music…’ (Village People, 1980) I would like to share an article with you that was sent to me by the Director

Head's blog
A busy and thriving January…

I walk Monty every day at about 7:15 and this was the first morning that it felt like it was getting lighter! Hoorah. Last week

News from St Peter's
Henry’s Pup Parade

Henry of year 6 was invited to the passing out parade of one of the pups he has looked after for the Police. The passing

News from St Peter's
School In Action morning

On Wednesday, 6 February 2019, St Peter’s will once again open its doors to visitors for a ‘School In Action’ open morning. Unlike open days

Guides & Tips for Parents
The Ultimate Guide to Auditory Learners

The second in our series of guides to learning styles, this blog will look at everything you need to know about auditory learners, what they