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Head's blog
Reading For Pleasure

I think World Book Day is one of the best days of the St Peter’s Calendar. And Mary Poppins visited St Peter’s again! Some of

Guides & Tips for Parents
Six Spring Activities for Children

The long dark nights of winter seemed to have lasted a lifetime, but with bright, sunny days becoming more and more frequent, Spring is well

Guides & Tips for Parents
Why are Faculties important?

This week has seen our Faculty system working at its best. The Faculty of a school is comprised of the people who work there. Faculty

Head's blog
Science and Scholars

We have enjoyed some wonderful sunshine this week after half term and I am still convinced that winter is done! The Johnston’s are revived after

Guides & Tips for Parents
Parents’ FAQs Debunked

When your child starts school, there are often many questions you have that need answering, and often there isn’t always time or an opportunity to

News from St Peter's
Mighty Orchestra 2019

On 8th February a group of people from St Peter’s were invited to Wellington school to participate in the third mighty orchestra day. The day

Head's blog
Happy Half Term

The Spring weather is with us and as I shared with the staff on Friday morning, I feel confident that we have said ‘goodbye’ to

Guides & Tips for Parents
5 of the Best Educational Blogs to Follow in 2019

With the ever-increasing reliance on technology and internet services in the 21st-century, many are turning to the online blogsphere for inspiration, be it for parenting,