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News from St Peter's
Mighty Orchestra at Wellington School

What an apt name for an amazing day for our St Peter’s musicians! Last Friday, fifteen of our instrumentalists were invited to Wellington School to

Education Insights
Teaching & Learning DEFINED

In September 2017, I wrote a piece called Individualism. In the article I mentioned that staff had joined together during INSET time to pass professional

Head's blog
Books of Excellence

2PG came to see me today and squeezed into my office. They were very proud as they had created a class book which was inspired

Head's blog
Happiness is a purple cow

Our happiness focus continues this week and in Assembly I introduced the ‘Thought of the Week’ as penned by the extraordinary wordsmith, Roald Dahl.  We

Education Insights
The Impact of Snow

SNOW. Here we go again… Due to receiving close to 200 emails last year in a huge community effort of taking part in the St

Guides & Tips for Parents
Bucket List for Parents in 2019

With January well and truly underway and the cold weather starting to set in, many will have already given up on their well-intentioned resolutions from

News from St Peter's
‘You Can’t Stop The Music…’

‘You can’t stop the music…’ (Village People, 1980) I would like to share an article with you that was sent to me by the Director