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Education Insights
Creative Art Opportunities at St Peter’s

The Early Years are encouraged to develop their creative minds through engaging in a wide range of activities which are embedded into the EYFS framework

Education Insights
Faculty In Focus: Art & DT Faculty of Creative Arts

Qualities PSHEE Core Academic Languages English French Spanish Core Academic Sciences Maths Science Computing Humanities Geography History RS Creative Arts Art DT Performing Arts Music

News from St Peter's
Inter House Music Instrumental Competition

A very special whole school assembly took place last Friday in the form of an Inter House music competition. Musician competitors took part from all

Guides & Tips for Parents
Consistent Parenting: Discipline

Consistent parenting is one of the hardest things to maintain during parenthood. While many parents believe they are not consistent enough with their children, others

Education Insights
Teaching & Learning: Our Learning Environment

The learning environment is essential to set the scene for everything else that follows. We have 28 acres of beautiful grounds as our backdrop and some stunning

News from St Peter's
Half Term Multi-Sports Camp at St Peter’s

St Peter’s once again offers a day of activity and entertainment for children aged 6-13 years during the half term break. This time, the half