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Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Teach Your Child Good Manners

Teaching your child good manners is an important part of their overall development. It would be a miracle if everyone was perfectly mannered all the

News from St Peter's
How to Teach Children Resilience

In order for children to be able to develop, cope with life’s challenges and participate in the world as a healthy adult in the future,

News from St Peter's
Benefits of Boarding at St Peter’s Prep

Enrolling your child in boarding school is a big decision, but it opens the door to some exciting possibilities. Whether it’s just for a few

News from St Peter's
A Year of Charity Fundraising, 2022-23!

One of our key core values, at St Peter’s, is Community; it’s a value we take seriously.  Every year, we choose a charity to support

News from St Peter's
Careers Morning – Summer Term 2023

We had a very exciting morning on 4 July 2023: Careers Morning. We were joined by all manner of professionals, to talk to the children

Head's blog
Summer Term 2023, Week 10

We did it!!! Mrs Evans, Mrs Hughes and I jumped out of an aeroplane at 15,000 feet, free-fell for one minute and then drifted down