Year 4 have been enjoying the yearly Outposts residential in which they get up to all manner of activities that involve challenges, team building and just general fun. Suffice to say, the children always return home thoroughly exhausted. Mrs Sims returned the following update when she managed to find a moment’s rest…
End of Day One: Following tea last night of spaghetti bolognaise, garlic bread and fruit salad and ice cream we headed off for two games of rounders.
We then toasted marshmallows on the open fire and had hot chocolate. The children headed to bed as it got dark and went to sleep quite quickly .
Day two: Another fantastic day so far..
It all started with the bird song around 5am. Children were keen to get going and loved breakfast – the bacon and egg butties were a big hit!
We’ve all been on a long, multi terrain walk. We loved the kayaking and completed a fascinating bush craft experience where we all made fire.
We are currently completing more team building activities before a well earned BBQ.
Children are all happy, not a single moan and the weather has been perfect for us.