Tag: Learning
Do Children Need Social Media Education?
Social media, by definition, is ‘websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking’. This can be…
How To Encourage Friendships In the Classroom
Friendships. They aren’t something that can be forced, but they are something that can be gently encouraged, and classrooms can make the perfect setting to…
A Guide to Outdoor Learning
With society’s ever-increasing focus on all things digital, encouraging the younger generations to embrace the natural environment around them is of utmost importance. This is…
Six Spring Activities for Children
The long dark nights of winter seemed to have lasted a lifetime, but with bright, sunny days becoming more and more frequent, Spring is well…
5 of the Best Educational Blogs to Follow in 2019
With the ever-increasing reliance on technology and internet services in the 21st-century, many are turning to the online blogsphere for inspiration, be it for parenting,…
5 Benefits of Spending Time Outside this Winter
January is often a long, cold month that involves staying inside as much as possible. However, despite this attitude being prevalent in the UK for…
The Importance of Sports and Games in Schools
In the last academic year, St Peter’s Prep was involved in 440 sports fixtures, an increase on the previous year. This provides every pupil with…