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Education Insights
Teaching & Learning – And so…

I spotted this magnificent few on the left when I was walking up from the main house towards the central zone during morning play. Then

Education Insights
House Days and Changing Our Thinking Ways…

I have previously written about the house system here at St Peter’s. (https://stpetersprep.co.uk/other-news/teaching-learning-houses/) This community time is about building bonds and making pledges. Thinking of

Education Insights
Teaching & Learning: Assemblies

Assemblies allow children (and staff) time to think. To challenge their own beliefs, to debate and question presentation, to learn about the weird, the wonderful,

Education Insights
Teaching & Learning: The Importance of Maths

Maths…more than just a test… Maths is incredibly important in our lives and, without realising it, we use mathematical concepts every day. The laws of mathematics

Education Insights
Teaching & Learning DEFINED

In September 2017, I wrote a piece called Individualism. In the article I mentioned that staff had joined together during INSET time to pass professional