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Education Insights
House Days and Changing Our Thinking Ways…

I have previously written about the house system here at St Peter’s. (https://stpetersprep.co.uk/other-news/teaching-learning-houses/) This community time is about building bonds and making pledges. Thinking of

Education Insights
Teaching & Learning: Assemblies

Assemblies allow children (and staff) time to think. To challenge their own beliefs, to debate and question presentation, to learn about the weird, the wonderful,

Education Insights
Teaching & Learning: The Importance of Maths

Maths…more than just a test… Maths is incredibly important in our lives and, without realising it, we use mathematical concepts every day. The laws of mathematics

Education Insights
Teaching & Learning DEFINED

In September 2017, I wrote a piece called Individualism. In the article I mentioned that staff had joined together during INSET time to pass professional

Education Insights
The Impact of Snow

SNOW. Here we go again… Due to receiving close to 200 emails last year in a huge community effort of taking part in the St