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Guides & Tips for Parents
Questions to Ask at School Open Days

Attending a school open day is an excellent opportunity to get a feel for the school’s environment and culture. Touring the school grounds and speaking

Guides & Tips for Parents
Tips on How to Deal With Back to School Anxiety

Whether it’s going to be your child’s first experience at school or they’re beginning a new school year, returning to school can feel very daunting

Guides & Tips for Parents
10 Ways to Make Your Child More Self-reliant

Trying to encourage your child to become more independent? Fostering self-reliance in children is an important aspect of their overall development. It equips them with

Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Encourage Your Child’s Hobbies

For parents, it is important to provide your child with as much opportunity to grow and develop as possible. One way of doing this is

Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Prepare Your Toddler for Preschool

Starting preschool marks a new chapter in your child’s life, one that both of you may be a little nervous about. While it is completely

Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Teach Your Child Good Manners

Teaching your child good manners is an important part of their overall development. It would be a miracle if everyone was perfectly mannered all the