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Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Choose the Right Boarding School

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions as a parent. There are around 500 boarding schools across the

Guides & Tips for Parents
6 Kids Garden Party Ideas & Tips

At our Devon boarding school, we are surrounded by beautiful grounds that always remind us how lucky we are to be so close to the

News from St Peter's
The Importance of Friendship at School

The friendships formed at school can be invaluable. Not only does having fun with peers make children’s time at school more enjoyable and memorable, but

Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Get the Most Out of Parents’ Evening

Parents’ evening is an excellent opportunity to get to know your child’s teachers, understand how your child is getting on with their education, and the

Education Insights
Why Is Nursery Education Important?

We all dread (or look forward to) the time our little one finally reaches the age to go to nursery. It is around this time

Education Insights
The Benefits of Competitive Sports for Children

Exercise is essential for everyone, especially for children’s growth and development. It allows children to strengthen their muscles, bones, lungs and heart, which leads to

News from St Peter's
What Are Prep Schools?

Prep schools are private schools in the UK. They are independent schools meaning they don’t necessarily have to follow the National Curriculum, although many prep

Guides & Tips for Parents
How To Prepare Your Child For Boarding School

Boarding school allows children to gain more independence at an earlier age and learn to adapt to living with people outside of their family. It

Education Insights
Why Are School Trips Important?

We can all remember the excitement of school trips, whether it’s just for a day or a week-long residential, they allow students to experience life

Guides & Tips for Parents
5 New Year’s Resolutions For Families

Happy New Year! It’s that time of year again, when setting new year’s resolutions is the talk of the town. Here at our independent primary