Autumn Term 2023, Week 2

What a glorious start to the September term we have had. The children and staff have come back raring to go and it has been wonderful to hear the sounds of a busy school around the site. I was lucky enough to join Reception at Beach School on Wednesday and also attended our new Little Hares toddler group. I’ve been in and out of classrooms keeping up to date with the learning going on and observing from the touchline for some rugby practices. Activities have started with a bang and the running club is sprinting past my office window as I write this newsletter! Boarding has begun with a new multi-games table as a very welcome addition to the evening programme.

It has been lovely to catch up with some of the parents at pick-up and drop-off, too.

Please make sure to have the Open Day for current parents on your calendars. The date is Saturday 7 October 2023 and the children will have little passports which they use to take their parents around the school site from Nursery to the boarding house, from the Science block to the Performing Arts room and from the Art department to the Lower School classrooms. The older children often like to revisit their old haunts in Pre-prep and the parents of little ones like to have a look at the classrooms for our older children. Everyone will collect stickers for house points and there will be lots of games and activities during the morning.  We do hope you can join us.

Have a lovely weekend.

Charlotte Johnston

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