Autumn Term 2023, Week 3

It has been a rainy, sunny, rainbow-filled week here at St Peter’s! School life is busy with so many wonderful opportunities available for our pupils. But how do we ensure the children are able to make the most of these opportunities?

It is clear to me that the emotional wellbeing and mental health of pupils, staff and all who make up our community is at the centre of everything we strive to do and can determine the success of our ventures. If children feel happy and comfortable, they are going to achieve more. Evidence strongly supports this positive correlation between positive emotional wellbeing and mental health and academic attainment and progress. We have, as you know, always supported the wellbeing of the children and, indeed, all that make up our school community. We have never underestimated the importance of this, and in order to show our commitment, we have decided to work towards achieving the Wellbeing award. This will recognise the work we already do but also help us to look at what we can do to improve our provision even further. The starting point is to gather information from the school community. We will be sending out wellbeing surveys to Parents, Staff and pupils. We are appointing a Wellbeing award team at school with representatives from varying departments across the school. So to get the process started, we need to hear your views. Click on this link.

There are four key principles driving the ideas and recommendations behind the award:

  1. Emotional wellbeing and mental health are a continuum. Related issues can range from positive attitudes and behaviour, through to experiences of emotional distress and mental disorder.

  2. Schools already experience and manage emotional issues on a daily basis; the objective is to minimise the impact of such issues and maximise the effectiveness of any responses.

  3. Emotional wellbeing covers a range of dimensions, such as resilience, character building, relationships and self-esteem, etc. Understanding both developmental and mental health awareness is critical.

  4. Creating a positive school culture requires a whole-school approach that is led from the top while involving all in the school community.

More information will follow regarding the Wellbeing award but I hope you will support us in this exciting journey and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Amy Hughes
Deputy Head (Pastoral)

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