It has been a very wet and windy week! This weather does seem to have an effect on the children, particularly the small ones! My enormous thanks to the staff for coping with soaking wet drop-offs, indoor playtime, wet games sessions and cooped-up children throughout the week. They have remained cheerful, but I know they are very glad of the weekend!
The RAP Project workshop for parents and staff was extremely well attended on Tuesday. My thanks to Amy Hughes, in particular, for the organisation of this. Mr Brett is currently working on the video of the presentation, which we will share with parents in due course. My own takeaways were to keep the conversation happening at home, model the behaviour you want with regards to your own phone use as parents and that small children will become teenagers sooner than you think; be ready!! I’ve recommended it before, but this is the best book I have found on parenting teenagers, and navigating social media and mobile phones.
Let me know how you get on.
Charlotte Johnston