Summer Term 2023, Week 6

Huge congratulations to our two teams who represented St Peter’s in the IAPS sailing championships in glorious weather in Portland this week. We had great success, with Harry and Rosie coming joint 9th out of 35 U13 teams and George and Stefan competing very well in a tough U11 competition.

We are so proud to compete in watersports and really want to take this forward further as a school. The Friday sailing activity at Exmouth Sailing Club is oversubscribed and the wakeboarding boarding activity on the Estuary has also been hugely popular this term. St Peter’s is certainly getting stuck into our ‘learning beyond the classroom’.

We are currently planning ahead for the rest of term, so please look at the calendar and start thinking about Speech Day, which will follow the same format as last year, with picnic lunches and a grand St Peter’s afternoon tea. Further details will follow after half-term.

I emailed earlier in the week to request your photos of parents and other relatives who attended St Peter’s previously, to contribute to our slideshow to complement our “140 Years of the St Peter’s Family” theme for Speech Day. Further details and a template are included in the newsletter and your responses by Friday 16 June would be very much appreciated, please.

A highlight this week was the outstanding Year 4 play ‘Greece Goes to Pieces’. As well as the tremendous acting and singing, there was palpable joy emanating from the stage. The children were all clearly having a fabulous time and loving the opportunity to take part in the play. Drama at St Peter’s is an increasingly considerable strength of the school and I would like to thank our Year 4 and Lower School team, along with Mr Hoban, for such a successful production. We cannot wait for Year 5’s ‘Cinderella Rockerfella’ later on in the term.

We have a very sunny half-term ahead and I wish you all a good week with your families, whether that is on the water, on the beach or away.

Charlotte Johnston

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