Welcome back to all, and the warmest of welcomes to our new families. It is great to have you here with us at St Peter’s.
Did that alarm used to go off so early?
Where on earth did I store the Games kit over Christmas? How did we all make it into school for 08:35 registration?
January can be a bit of a shock to the system, but there has been no ‘dilly dally’ for us, as you will see from this week’s newsletter. We are well and truly back, ready and prepared for the Lent term’s antics. Thanks to the staff who worked throughout the holiday period, keeping everything moving forward and thanks to the staff who have been preparing fabulous learning experiences for your children over the next ten weeks. We are going to be busy! Your child is going to have a wonderful and innovative time this spring.
Pupils have been setting targets, analysing Michaelmas term scores and results and settling themselves back into positive learning behaviours. The atmosphere has been electric around the school site. I spoke in-depth to the children in our Friday assembly about just how proud they can be about themselves. This first week has seen children who are well mannered, positive and well-rested, who are interested, engaged and in control of their own learning journey. There were plenty of smiles and warm greetings for friends across all year groups.
A plea to all parents: please keep your calendar close and read the weekly information letter so you can transfer dates to your own busy calendars. Pop your seatbelts on, please!
Hoping you have all had a lovely Christmas holiday and Happy New Year to the whole St Peter’s Prep School community.
Lucy Ball, Deputy Head