The Benefits of Smaller Class Sizes

Whether your child works better in smaller groups or just wants an engaging education, smaller classrooms can offer numerous benefits for both students and teachers. At our private school in Devon, we take advantage of smaller class sizes and a vast outdoor space – the perfect combination for students to flourish.

We’ve seen first hand how advantageous smaller class sizes can be.

1. Increased Individualised Attention

In smaller classrooms, teachers can provide more one-on-one attention to each student, allowing teachers to better understand each student’s unique learning needs, strengths and weaknesses.

With fewer students to focus on, educators can tailor their instruction, offer personalised feedback, and provide the extra support necessary for struggling students. This targeted approach bolsters academic performance and boosts students’ confidence and engagement, ensuring that students are more likely to feel valued and heard, creating a more nurturing and effective learning environment.

2. Enhanced Student Engagement

With fewer peers, students have more opportunities to actively participate in class discussions, group activities, and hands-on learning experiences. They are more likely to receive immediate feedback and personalised attention from teachers.

As a result, they become more motivated and involved in their learning, fostering a deeper understanding of the material. Smaller classes create an environment where students feel more comfortable sharing their ideas and asking questions, ultimately leading to a more vibrant and participatory educational experience.

3. Improved Student-Teacher Relationships

Smaller class sizes enable teachers to establish deeper connections with each individual. This closeness leads to a greater understanding of students’ strengths, weaknesses, and personal interests. It also makes students more comfortable seeking help and guidance when needed.

Stronger bonds of trust and support develop, creating a positive learning environment where both students and teachers can collaborate effectively. These relationships often result in more responsive and personalised instruction, ultimately enhancing the overall educational experience.

4. More Physical Space

There are a variety of ways students learn best, and no two students are the same. Whether a pupil is a visual, reading and writing, auditory, or kinaesthetic learner, the extra physical space gained from smaller class sizes allows teachers to take advantage of the area around them when teaching, accommodating these different learning styles – especially the latter.

As a result, there’s more scope for educational games and freedom to move around, creating a more interactive and engaging classroom for students to learn.

what is kinaestethic learning

5. Better Classroom Management

Better classroom management is a clear benefit of smaller classrooms. Teachers can maintain a more orderly and focused learning environment with fewer students. It becomes easier to handle behaviour issues, minimise disruptions, and ensure students are engaged and on task.

This improved management allows teachers to allocate more time and energy to instruction, creating a conducive atmosphere for effective teaching and learning. It benefits both educators and students, fostering a more productive and harmonious classroom experience.

6. Personalised Learning

With a lower student-teacher ratio, educators can better tailor their instruction to meet each student’s individual needs, learning styles, and pace. This level of customisation ensures that every student is caught up and everyone has the opportunity to excel.

Teachers can provide additional support or advanced challenges when necessary, making education more adaptive and effective. Smaller classrooms empower students to take charge of their learning, resulting in improved academic outcomes and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Students writing at a desk looking up

7. Improved Academic Performance

Research has shown that students in smaller classes tend to achieve higher test scores and better academic outcomes due to a better understanding of the material, increased engagement, and enhanced learning experiences.

They benefit from more targeted support and personalised feedback, leading to improved educational outcomes and a stronger foundation for future learning.

8. Better Peer Relationships

With smaller class sizes, students are more likely to listen to the ideas of others, as well as share their own thoughts on a particular subject. This extra room in the classroom can allow students to feel more comfortable and secure, encouraging them to connect more closely with their peers and eventually form lasting school friendships to carry with them throughout their education. In turn, classes feel more like a strong community, where students inspire others to contribute to lessons and motivate each other to do their best.

9. Support Students Emotionally

Another advantage of having smaller class sizes is that teachers have the time and resources to support their students educationally and emotionally. In larger class sizes, students can often feel lost and need to catch up in learning, which, unfortunately, may go unnoticed when teachers are overwhelmed with the responsibility of more pupils.

On the other hand, fewer students means teachers can dedicate more time, energy, and focus to each child, keep track of their progress, check they’re hitting personal targets, and stay aware of any struggles they may be facing whilst supporting their educational journey.

We are proud to offer small class sizes in all our lessons, giving our talented teachers the tools they need to create a positive educational experience for our valuable students, ultimately giving them an appealing and captivating education for a brighter future.


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