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Head's blog
The Beauty of Community

I have written before about the importance of community from the angle of ‘The St Peter’s Randoms’.  Nothing has changed since I wrote this. Everyone

Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Encourage Your Child’s Creativity

Nurturing creativity from a young age can help children with their overall emotional, academic and social development. Einstein believed that ‘creativity is intelligence having fun’,

Head's blog
Autumn Term 2021 – Week 3

As we finish ‘Week 3’ of Autumn Term 2021, we firstly celebrate Mrs Johnston for representing St Peter’s Preparatory School at the IAPS annual conference,

Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Get Your Child Involved in Gardening

Botanical analogies are frequently used in everyday conversation: knowing your ‘roots’, ‘family trees’, or ‘growing’ as a person. The connection that we all have with

Head's blog
Autumn term 2021 – Week 2

I have been spending time in the classrooms this week, seeing our new Maths Curriculum, ‘White Rose’, in action. I have been impressed by the

News from St Peter's
Academic Catch-up Blog

New Parent Workshops A big thank you to the parents who were able to attend our two parent workshops this week.  Academic Presentation for New

Guides & Tips for Parents
The Eight Best Educational Apps For Children

In recent times, students, parents and teachers alike have become acutely aware of how every environment is an opportunity within which to learn. When many

Head's blog
Autumn Term 2021 – Week 1

This has been a very full week, the first week back of the Autumn term. On Monday, we had our first Assembly in the Wessex