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Head's blog
Trinity Term 2021 – Week 7

It has been a fantastic first week back after half term, with the new Sea Swimming sessions for the older children a resounding success. Some

News from St Peter's
Music is BACK!

Introduced by Lucy Ball Deputy Head Teaching and Learning  and written by Chris Hoban, Director of Music and Head of Faculty for Performing Arts.  Each

Head's blog
Trinity Term 2021 – Week 6

Our Summer fȇte and Eco Fashion Show took place today. It was a day of incredible St Peter’s fun and joy. Well done to the

Guides & Tips for Parents
The Benefits of Hot School Meals

Helping any child grow up fit and healthy begins with a balanced diet. Children need to eat three balanced meals a day as well as

Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Stop Over-worrying as a Parent

You may, or may not, be relieved to know that parental anxiety is a normal part of parenthood. You’re not the first, and you won’t

Head's blog
Trinity Term 2021 – Week 5

A very exciting week! Firstly, THE CHICKS HAVE HATCHED, THE CHICKS HAVE HATCHED!!! Year 1 has been beside themselves with excitement as the eggs, which