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News from St Peter's
Scholarship Success

Head of St Peter’s Preparatory School, Mrs Charlotte Johnston, comments: “We are hugely proud that our Year 8 pupils have been offered thirteen scholarships and awards between them

News from St Peter's
Year 6 Grammar and Public School Success

St Peter’s Preparatory School is non-selective yet, earlier this academic year, six of our Year 6 pupils successfully passed grammar school entrance examinations, with three

News from St Peter's
St Peter’s Science Fair 2018

    The Wessex Hall is currently full to the brim with science discovery and exploration for this year’s science fair. The children have each

Guides & Tips for Parents
Ways to Teach Children to Share

At a young age, the concept of sharing is unusual to most children. Whether it’s letting a friend play with one of their toys or

News from St Peter's
Lympstone Fundraising Cricket Match 2018

St Peter’s is once again playing host to a now yearly fundraising cricket match arranged by the Friends of Lympstone Parish Church. The Gentlemen of