When choosing the right school for your child, there are many factors to consider. When it comes to private schools in Devon, there are often extra considerations around academia and the potential for future success, meaning questions about learning structures and the curriculum.
We know that curriculums can be confusing subjects for some parents, so we’ve put together this general introduction that will hopefully help you find the information you need, at any school, to make the best judgement for your little one.
What is the National Curriculum?
The national curriculum is a basic set of subjects outlined by the UK Government, alongside expected competency in each subject in relation to a child’s age.
The national curriculum is designed to provide a framework that ensures children learn the same things and reach expected standards as they age. The curriculum is broken down into ‘key stages’ (KS1 to KS4), outlining the child’s development as they grow up in the school system.
There are currently over 12 subjects on the national curriculum, with some compulsory for all ages and others only introduced at certain key stages. The national curriculum also outlines other subjects that must be taught but which sit outside traditional assessments, such as Relationships and Health Education.
Do Private Schools Follow the National Curriculum?
Only local authority schools (e.g. traditional state primary and secondary schools) are obliged to follow the national curriculum. Other types of schools, including private senior and prep schools, do not need to follow the national curriculum.
While private schools don’t need to follow the national curriculum, they must have a written policy on the curriculum they provide and how it is delivered by the school. These details, alongside wider school assessments, help parents to make informed decisions about which school they would like their child to attend.

What’s the Difference Between the National Curriculum and a Private School Curriculum?
There are many reasons why a private or independent school may choose to provide a separate curriculum, depending on the nature of the school. For example, some schools may have a particular academic focus, such as science, technology, languages or sports, and a unique curriculum can emphasise this aspect.
Here at St Peter’s, we follow the St Peter’s School Baccalaureate®. The St Peter’s School Baccalaureate® has been written taking the core skills required from the government’s published National Curriculum, but we have extended the content and added in greater depth.
The Independent Schools Inspectorate report of May 2024 says of St Peter’s Preparatory School: “Leaders have created a curriculum that includes many opportunities for pupils to develop their knowledge and skills outside of the classroom. This broad and rich curriculum offer is available to everyone, including the youngest children, and has a demonstrable and positive impact on pupils’ outcomes.”
In many cases, a private school’s curriculum will look very similar to the national curriculum, as all will seek to cover universal subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, History, Physical Education and more. The biggest difference is usually in terms of how the subjects are taught and assessed, particularly in the first key stages (e.g. the primary school years).
Most private schools, including us at St Peter’s Prep, have a particular focus on academic achievement with a view to where the child will go in the next stage of their academic journey, such as an academically selective school (e.g. a grammar school).
Teaching methods and assessments may, therefore, be adapted to prepare for entrance exams while also developing excellence in learning, leadership and more, going above and beyond the expectations of the national curriculum.
The Curriculum at St Peter’s Preparatory School
Here at St Peter’s Prep, our dynamic curriculum is designed to unlock the full potential of our pupils and set them up for a lifetime of learning, leadership and excellence. Most of our pupils leave us at Year 8 and move on to academically selective schools in the region, some with scholarships.
Our pupils learn many of the same subjects you’d expect to see at a state school. However, our approach to learning – empowering children through exploration and research – sets us apart and gives pupils the tools to succeed.
As with state schools, the quality of our curriculum is assessed, with reports available to the public. See our academic page for more information.
If you would like to learn more about what learning is like at St Peter’s Prep, feel free to contact our team or request a prospectus today.