Author: Rachel Jupp

The Maverick Teacher

Is there a place for schools to have maverick teachers? These are people who think and​ act in an independent way, often ​behaving ​differently from…

Autumn Term 2021 – Week 11

Thank you to all parents for being so supportive after what’s been a really challenging week here at St Peter’s. Please read this week’s newsletter…

Autumn 2021 – Week 10

We have enjoyed some spectacular weather, here, at St Peter’s, over the last few weeks: crisp Autumn days, wonderful colour on the trees and glamorous…

COP26: Our Eco Warriors Move – The St Peter’s Switch Off

              Switch Off Fortnight is a nationwide campaign that takes place every November, to encourage schools to switch off…

Psychology in Education

Maslow, who was born April 1, 1908 in New York, was an American psychologist and philosopher best known for his self-actualization theory of psychology, which…

Autumn term 2021 – Week 8

A wonderful week at St Peter’s with the whole school photograph, a concert, Remembrance and an assembly from our whole school charity, Above Water. Huge…

Pedagogy – The Method and Practice of Teaching and Learning.

Intro by Mrs Lucy Ball (Deputy Head, Teaching and Learning).  Welcome to our next Guest Blog, for the week. This week’s post comes from Mr…