Author: Rachel Jupp

Don’t do nothing!

One of the key messages we teach our children form the earliest of ages is DO SOMETHING! Everyone can offer something.  If you see something…

Trinity term 2021 – Week 2

What a great week! We had a wonderful Founders Day service on the grass last Friday and it was lovely to have the whole community…

Trinity term 2021 – Week 1

It has been a week of glorious sunshine. Welcome back everyone to St Peter’s. Unfortunately, we have had a slight delay with the swimming pool…

Turn Subtitles On….

Do try to read every night with your child; it is one of the best things you can do for their academic and personal progress….

Critical Thinking Is…

A blog by Mrs Samantha Parker (Head of Upper School and Languages Faculty Lead) and Mrs Lucy Ball (Deputy Head, Teaching and Learning)  Find out…

Lent term 2021 – Week 9: Return to School!

Well, here we are. Finally, back on-site in the sunshine and an end of the week outside assembly. What a joy! It has been a…