Author: Rachel Jupp

6 Tips to Balance Academics & Extracurriculars for Children

At St Peter’s Prep, we believe in the importance of embracing both academics and extracurriculars, as they play an equally vital role in the development…

Autumn Term, Week 9

A Year 2 show and share assembly and the Year 4 heroes evening were real highlights this week.  The children showed such confidence and loved…

The Benefits of Private Schools

Nurturing your child’s education is one of the most important investments you can make for their future. Deciding where to send your child requires a…

Autumn Term, Week 8

There has been some glorious sport, this week, with the U7 tag rugby festival on Tuesday. Children in Year 2 were hopping with excitement to…

7 Ways to Keep Your Child’s Mind Active During the Holidays

Holidays ensure children can relax, reset, and simply enjoy a well-deserved break from all the schoolwork they’ve been working hard towards. However, it’s important to…

The Benefits of Going to School by the Sea

Beyond the picturesque backdrops that foster a serene and inspiring atmosphere, close proximity to the sea can also provide unparalleled opportunities for hands-on learning experiences….

Silent.  Calm.  Busy.  Busier.  Busier still. Busiest! These are the six words which I choose to describe the first six week of the Autumn term 2023,…

Autumn term, Week 6

Silent.  Calm.  Busy.  Busier.  Busier still. Busiest! These are the six words which I choose to describe the first six week of the Autumn term 2023,…

Autumn term 2023, Week 5

On Wednesday, I watched the U10 and the U11 rugby triangular fixture against Blundell’s School and Exeter School, and what an afternoon of rugby it…