Author: Rachel Jupp
Spring Term 2023 Week 9
As you know, it has been a difficult week at school for us all and we have been very touched by the kindness and love…
The Benefits of Competitive Sports for Children
Exercise is essential for everyone, especially for children’s growth and development. It allows children to strengthen their muscles, bones, lungs and heart, which leads to…
Spring Term 2023 Week 8
The Lower School music concert was a real highlight for me this week, both for the quality of performance and for Clemmie conquering her stage…
What Are Prep Schools?
Prep schools are private schools in the UK. They are independent schools meaning they don’t necessarily have to follow the National Curriculum, although many prep…
How To Prepare Your Child For Boarding School
Please note: boarding at St Peter’s will cease by the end of the 2025 summer term. Boarding school allows children to gain more independence at…
Spring Term 2023 Week 7
This has been a week of great sporting events; firstly, on Tuesday, ‘The Great House Pancake Race’! The whole school, including every child from Nursery…
Why Are School Trips Important?
We can all remember the excitement of school trips, whether it’s just for a day or a week-long residential, they allow students to experience life…
Spring Term 2023 Week 6
Last week we said goodbye to Mrs Hannah Stoyles who has worked with us for 15 years in Pre-prep and most recently as our wonderful…
Spring Term 2023 Week 5
This week has been filled with adventure! Year 2 ventured into the woods all day on Tuesday. When I visited them, they had finished with…
Spring Term 2023 Week 4
This week, I visited The Downs Preparatory School, just south of Bristol, as part of the IAPS (Independent Association of Prep Schools) South West District…