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Children participating in a sports day race at St Peter’s Prep
Guides & Tips for Parents
How to Encourage a Child to Participate

Taking on a fresh challenge can be stressful for everyone, but particularly children. However, with careful encouragement from parents and carers, children can be given

A student and teacher at St Peter’s Prep reading together
Guides & Tips for Parents
The Importance of Bedtime Stories for Kids

Reading bedtime stories together is a cherished part of the nighttime routine for parents and children. These moments are precious, and not just because of

A teacher at St Peter’s Prep talking with students
Guides & Tips for Parents
The Importance of Family Traditions

Often, family life can be a hive of activity, with parents and children running from one task to the next. Traditions and scheduled activities that

Happy students in a forest at St Peter’s Prep
News from St Peter's
What is Pastoral Care in Schools?

If you’re a parent, you’ve probably heard the term ‘pastoral care’ being used in various aspects around pupil wellbeing. Here at our private school in

Children reading books at St Peter’s Prep
Guides & Tips for Parents
Why are Routines Important for Children?

Setting a good example with a consistent routine can help give children a sense of security, as well as encouraging good habits, communication & independence.

News from St Peter's
Working towards a Wellbeing Award

In the 2023-24 academic year, we are hoping that St Peter’s can work towards achieving the Wellbeing Award for schools. This is to recognise what we

News from St Peter's
The Importance of Rest for Children

When it comes to our adult life, we all know how important relaxation is. But how vital is it for our children? Do they need

News from St Peter's
How to Teach Children Resilience

In order for children to be able to develop, cope with life’s challenges and participate in the world as a healthy adult in the future,

News from St Peter's
The Importance of Friendship at School

The friendships formed at school can be invaluable. Not only does having fun with peers make children’s time at school more enjoyable and memorable, but