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Head's blog
Autumn Term 2022 Week 4

​​​​​​​What a triumph Open Day was at St Peter’s in the sunshine. We welcomed lots of prospective families as well as lots of current ones.

Head's blog
Autumn Term 2022 Week 3

​​​​​​​Thank you to those parents who have joined us for year group coffees and teas over the last two weeks. It has been excellent to

Head's blog
Autumn Term 2022 Week 2

It has been a brilliant first full week back. The timetable has stood up (always a nerve-wracking time at the start of the academic year)

Head's blog
Autumn Term Week 1 2022

It is with great sadness that we heard of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday. The Queen was an inspiration and

Head's blog
Summer Term 2022 Week 9

In Mrs Johnston’s absence, this week’s blog is full of pictures of the Year 8 trip to France last week.    Year 8 went off

Head's blog
Summer Term 2022 Week 8

We had a very good PTA meeting this week.  My thanks, as always, to the PTA committee for their time and energy! Don’t forget the

Head's blog
Summer Term 2022 Week 7

This week, we held a wonderful event for Mr Pritchard’s retirement from St Peter’s after 38 years with us.  The lawn was scattered with striped

Head's blog
Summer Term 2022 Week 6

This week I am writing to you at the end of a very busy and successful week at St Peter’s Prep School. This has included

Head's blog
Summer Term 2022 Week 5

Newsflash! The chicks in Year 1 have hatched!  With great excitement amongst staff and pupils, I went up to visit and heard about the names

Head's blog
Summer Term 2022 Week 4

A lot of this week has revolved around ‘Teas’.  We have hosted the Nursery, Reception, Year 1,  Year 2, & Year 5 Teas, as well