Author: Rachel Jupp

The Week of the Children

I am that ‘wally’ who, in any situation, looks directly for children’s faces; I always look straight into kids’ faces.  The baby in the stroller…

Some thoughts on our return to school

Children can’t catch up to someone else’s history. They have lived through something unique to their own particular childhood. Our 3-year-olds have lived a third…

Lent term 2021 – Week 8

And so, this is it! The last week of remote schooling, and it finished with a bang: World Book Day! Virtual, but no less fun….

Ideas for Virtual Children’s Parties

As the pandemic continues, the COVID restrictions are becoming ever more important, but these restrictions can be incredibly confusing for children. However, we can still…

Why is Acknowledging Failure Important For Children?

Although it’s incredibly important for parents, guardians and professionals to support children to prosper, not all accomplishments can initially be achieved, which is why learning…

Children’s Mental Health Awareness – Week 4

This week is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week; thank you very much to Mrs Wellington-Smith and Mr Budgett for putting together a fantastic week of…