Author: Rachel Jupp

Minotaurs and Madness

This week has predominantly been about the DRAMA! ‘Could it be that a bunch of 10 year olds could seriously put on ‘Hamlet’ for an…

Teaching & Learning: Mollycoddling Our Children

An interesting article in the Guardian led me to think about how much I see parents ‘do’ for their children today – compared with when…

Things are warming up for the summer…

What a week! The sun finally shone. The children have never done so much swimming and we enjoyed three sports days and a Year 7…

A visit from the magical Merlin

We have had a wonderful week with 
the highlight being 2 drama showcases, Year 7’s 
‘melodramas’ was highly entertaining with some really classic slapstick and

Teaching & Learning: What’s Next?

Following revision week? EXAM week of course! Did we see tantrums? Did we see terror in the children’s eyes? No We saw prepared and committed…

St Peter’s included in prestigious Good Schools Guide

Highly regarded school, St Peter’s Preparatory School, Lympstone, has been included in the brand new edition of The Good Schools Guide. The 22nd edition of…

St Peter’s well represented in IAPS Sailing Competition

Before half term St Peter’s were represented by  four keen sailors in the IAPS U11 and U13 competition in Weymouth. Day one saw Max and…