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Guides & Tips for Parents
Back to School Tips for Parents

Going back to school can be both an exciting and nerve-racking time for students. The length of time away from the classroom and lack of

Guides & Tips for Parents
South Devon Events this Summer Holiday

Summer is here! Which means so are the school holidays. This is a time to cherish with our children, but it also offers everyone the

Guides & Tips for Parents
A Children’s Activity Guide for Summer

Summer holidays are the time for making memories, trying new things and having fun while on a much-deserved break from school work. However, with less

Guides & Tips for Parents
The Benefits of Introducing Music to Children

“Music is the universal language of mankind” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Music plays a significant role in a child’s development and early childhood. Common musical

Guides & Tips for Parents
Do Children Need Social Media Education?

Social media, by definition, is ‘websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking’. This can be

Guides & Tips for Parents
How To Encourage Friendships In the Classroom

Friendships. They aren’t something that can be forced, but they are something that can be gently encouraged, and classrooms can make the perfect setting to