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Head's blog
Trinity Term 2021 – Week 7

It has been a fantastic first week back after half term, with the new Sea Swimming sessions for the older children a resounding success. Some

Head's blog
Trinity Term 2021 – Week 6

Our Summer fȇte and Eco Fashion Show took place today. It was a day of incredible St Peter’s fun and joy. Well done to the

Head's blog
Trinity Term 2021 – Week 5

A very exciting week! Firstly, THE CHICKS HAVE HATCHED, THE CHICKS HAVE HATCHED!!! Year 1 has been beside themselves with excitement as the eggs, which

Head's blog
Week 4 – Trinity term 2021

We are very much looking forward to things opening up that little bit more on Monday.  Please see below some key points from my letter

Head's blog
Week 3 – Trinity term 2021

Now that we have had Wren House Day and the Harefield Run, we can announce the winners of our Land’s End to John O’Groats whole

Head's blog
Trinity term 2021 – Week 2

What a great week! We had a wonderful Founders Day service on the grass last Friday and it was lovely to have the whole community

Head's blog
Trinity term 2021 – Week 1

It has been a week of glorious sunshine. Welcome back everyone to St Peter’s. Unfortunately, we have had a slight delay with the swimming pool

Head's blog
Lent term 2021 – Week 8

And so, this is it! The last week of remote schooling, and it finished with a bang: World Book Day! Virtual, but no less fun.