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Head's blog
Michaelmas 2020 – Week 10

Thank you to all the parents for their feedback in the survey I sent out last week.  We are responding to this, particularly with regards

Head's blog
Week 9 – Michaelmas 2020

It has been a super week, culminating with Children in Need today which included a fun assembly (in bubbles) led by our Heads of School,

Head's blog
Week 8 – Michaelmas 2020

Well, off we go again into another national lockdown. Thank goodness we can keep school open. There is much evidence to show nationally from the

Head's blog
Week 7 – Michaelmas 2020

What a frighteningly good day we had for Lake House and Halloween Fun Friday! Well done to everyone for getting into the spirit of things.

Head's blog
Week 5 – Michaelmas 2020

With one week left until half-term, I write with information about the changes to the routine following our well-earned break! Thank you for all of

Head's blog
Week 6 – Michaelmas 2020

Dear Parents, With one week left until half-term, I write with information about the changes to the routine following our well-earned break! Thank you for

Head's blog
Week 4 – Michaelmas 2020

We are now at the end of Week 4 and I have been in contact with many Headteachers across the country as they deal with

Head's blog
Week 3 – Michaelmas 2020

Story time and bubble parties in the sunshine are the theme of this week’s newsletter. Every class and tutor received a surprise on Monday morning

Head's blog
Week 2 – Michaelmas 2020

I have spent lots of time with the children this week: a leaders’ lunch today; admiring the Queen Victoria portraits in Year 2; listening to

Head's blog
Week 1 – Michaelmas 2020

Welcome back everyone. The start of term has gone brilliantly. Thank you for keeping to slick drop-off and pick-up arrangements and for working hard at